Saturday, September 1, 2012

Have you ever taken the time to stop whatever you were doing to look up? I know school will be starting soon and graduates are begining a new chapter in their lives. Life can be stressful but while you’re going here and there, take the time to just stop and look up. I promise you that it’s something you won’t regret. I remember last year when I was running from class to work, I managed to have a gap in between my busy schedule. I literally plopped on one of the benches outside of a building my class was in and just looked up. It was then that I noticed how deliciously fluffy the clouds were and how much of a pretty blue the sky was. I then noticed the new flowers that were planted around the building I always pass, how pretty the butterflies were, how nice it was to hear the birds chirping around me, and how cute the ducks looked when they waddled across campus. My point to this is to let you all know that it’s nice to take the time to enjoy the many things around you. I know that life can be super stressful but there is nothing like a cool breeze on your skin or gorgeous scenery around you. I think this can be a perfect remedy for a stressful day.

Thank you for taking the time, you rock!


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